Tuesday, January 18, 2011


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I shot this cheese cake for my first assignment in my Advertising Photography class. We are required to shoot some type of desert, and to have a clear sense of time and place. My lighting set up got a little complicated but some times thats what you have to do to get the look you want. I am pleased with how it turned out. Thanx for lookin, let me know what you think!


  1. I am not crazy about cheese cake, but you made me want to go out and buy some and try it,looks very tasty, Great job! Nice lighting, composition and colorful.

  2. Nice job on this shot Sam! I love the color choice and all of the really strong lines. Your shot is simple but still really visually appealing. The lighting also looks great!

  3. Sam great choice in color and layout...it s very pleasing to the eye (well my eyes):-) The way your focus is gradual from top to the cheesecake, makes it stand out more. Great job!

    Oh and I really like that one strawberry in the front!

  4. Nice Job buddy, I really like this shot, I really like the clarity/focus on the strawberry and the color scheme of the tablecloth tying in with the strawberry jam on the cheese cake and the strawberries. Making good use of that new 1.4 lens there. Great composition and lighting on this too man.

  5. great colors and food styling!
    + the sam-brand narrow focus looks lovely.
